A Brief History of Living Forever

Jaroslav Kalfař
Obálka knihy A Brief History of Living Forever

When Adela discovers she has a terminal illness, her thoughts turn to Tereza, the American-raised daughter she gave up at birth. Leaving behind her moody, grown son, Roman, in their native Czech village, she flies to the United States to find the long-lost daughter who never knew her.In New York City, Tereza is working as the star researcher for two suspicious biotech moguls hellbent on developing a 'god pill' to extend human life indefinitely. But before Tereza can find a cure for Adela, her mother dies mysteriously.Narrated from the beyond by Adela, A Brief History of Living Forever is a high-wire act of storytelling.By turns insightful, moving and funny, the novel blends an immigrant mother's heartbreaking journey through the American dream with her children's quest to reclaim her from a country that would erase any record of her existence.

Původní cena: 449,- Kč
Nová cena: 99,- Kč

Chci knihu koupit:
Nakladatel: Hodder & Stoughton
brožovaná, 305 stran

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